For years, my life in the United States felt like a constant battle. Anxiety and my panic disorder consumed my days, shaping the way I lived and the decisions I made. On the outside, I know I looked like someone just trying to navigate the hustle and bustle of life but inside was a different story. I was desperately seeking a sense of peace that always seemed just out of reach.
To cope, I often turned towards Xanax. At first, it was my lifeline and something that gave me relief in the chaos of my life. Over time, I realized my body had started working against me- the increasing frequency of my panic attacks were my body convincing me to pop another pill. What was initially my escape, soon turned into my personal prison. I knew I needed a way out, but I wasn’t sure which way to turn.
Contributing to my struggle was the challenges of maintaining meaningful relationships. The failed connections of my personal life left me feeling isolated. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t locate the stability and understanding that I longed for. I felt trapped, living a life that wasn’t meant for me.
Then out of the blue scrolling YouTube I stumbled across travel videos. I discovered people exploring the world, starting fresh, and finding joy in places I hadn’t ever thought of. Their happiness and excitement was authentic and for the first time in years I felt a glimmer of hope. Was it really possible? After countless hours of watching, one destination stood out: Colombia.
A One-Way Ticket
There was something about this South American country calling to me on a deep level. It wasn’t only the natural beauty or happy culture, it was this feeling….an angel on my shoulder whispering “This is the place.” I started to imagine a life outside of the high-pressure grind of the United States. It felt more and more possible the more I researched. The idea of slowing down and finally healing gave me hope.
The decision, no matter how right it felt wasn’t easy. I’m from Chicago and most people don’t even have passports. My choice required me to let go of everything I knew, or thought I knew about life. I sold my possessions and packed my entire life into a single suitcase. From there I did the unthinkable, I booked a one way ticket to Colombia. For someone who the last few years had been defined by anxiety, it was simultaneously a terrifying and intoxicating feeling. Boarding that plane was the most free I have ever felt.

Leaving for me wasn’t just about escaping the stress of the United States, it was about reclaiming my life from the cycles of addiction and anxiety that had held me captive. I knew moving abroad wouldn’t magically solve my problems, but it offered a new environment where I could finally breathe, reflect, and heal.
I’ve been documenting that journey, my life in Colombia, relationships, and mental health on my YouTube: The Life of Unc Jae.
Since arriving, I’ve felt a weight off my shoulders. The rhythm of life here flows smoothly, it’s slower and more intentional. People value community and connections in ways that feel refreshing and genuine. The natural beauty that surrounds me serves as a constant reminder that peace isn’t found in the rat race but instead the moments of stillness we allow ourselves to experience.
Choosing to move abroad wasn’t an easy decision and I don’t think it’s for everyone but it was the right call for me. I’m learning to live without relying on medication. I’m finding joy in the little things and embracing a simpler life. I finally started my healing journey.

To anyone, especially my fellow Veterans, I want to say this: It’s okay to start over. Sometimes the hardest decisions can lead to the greatest transformations. For me that decision was like when I joined the military, leaving behind everything I knew and stepping into the unknown. Colombia gave me the chance to find my peace and for that… I’ll always be grateful.
About The Author
Jaelen McWilliams is a Veteran, mentor, and advocate for a true life of service. Family is a cornerstone in Jaelen’s life, one of five siblings with Terri, Teresa, Keith, and Kevin Jaelen learned the value of connection. Jae would like to thank his special brother in law Tony and beloved uncle Lafayette who served as a early mentor and father figure. Jaelen’s two children, Jaelen and Eliana remain firmly at the heart of every endeavor and serve as a constant inspiration.
In recent years Jaelen has embraced a new chapter where his passion to help others grows stronger than ever. After speaking on multiple panels, Jaelen launched The Life of Unc Jae, his YouTube Channel to connect his message to the global community. Focusing on men and Veterans his platform has reawakened a sense of brotherhood and purpose. Jae also started a Facebook group for travelers and expats in Cartagena called CTG BOYZ where networking and all things Cartagena takes place.

Unc Jae is expanding this mission and opening future business in Cartagena and launching Airbnb’s to create a space where people can heal and thrive. Looking ahead Jae aspires to create medical services for Veterans in Colombia modeled after his visit to the Dominican Republic and meeting Sergeant Sosua, John Davis, and the rest of the Veterans Abroad community.
Jaelen’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience, service, and most importantly the unrelenting pursuit of peace after military service.
John’s Note
If you’re looking for information on living in Cartagena, connect with my friend Unc Jae via Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, or wherever else you might find him. I had the pleasure of meeting Unc when he came to visit us Veterans in the Dominican Republic where I live.

I have a Free Ebook for Veterans Moving Abroad and also an article on Vets in the Dominican Republic alongside Mexico, Thailand, and more on my blog.
I’ve never thought moving abroad would solve your problems, but sometimes you need space to heal. My own journey moving abroad mirrored Jae’s in a lot of ways. Check me out on Instagram and TikTok for living abroad and Veteran content.
I appreciate you Unc Jae for sharing your story here and showcasing your life abroad on your YouTube Channel: Life of Unc Jae which I recommend checking out.
Sometimes peace is something you have to travel to find, and I’m looking forward to sharing a cigar on the beach in Colombia when I get out there brother! If you’re interested in moving abroad, a good first step is to research cost of living calculators like Numbeo and on my blog I have an article on the Financial Planning for Moving Abroad.
Check out my latest book, 365 Days of Veteran Affirmations and God Bless.