Resources for
Brave Little Hearts
Discover a wonderful world of affirmations written for military children, coloring activities, mazes, and word searches.
Brave Little Hearts has fifty awesome affirmations written directly for military children. These affirmations children can color, create, and say out loud. These powerful and fun affirmations are written with military culture for families that serve.
Brave Little Hearts is perfect for military kids who serve right alongside their parents. This military themed children activity book will keep children positive during times when their hero is away.

The Veterans Guide To Moving Abroad
Veterans living abroad isn’t a new thing but in recent years our numbers are exploding. War on Terror veterans are ditching the United States in favor of other countries. This is history repeating itself, after the Vietnam War a large contingent of veterans opted to move abroad after being mistreated. My generation of veterans are leaving for a variety of reasons. The rising cost of living, political division, constant stress, mass shootings, and the advent of remote work are pushing veterans to wonder if a better life might be the veteran expat life.

The Combat to College GROW Method
Veteran to Veteran Coaching For Student Veterans
Make the most of your college experience in preparation for a meaningful life post-graduation with the Combat to College GROW Method. The GROW Method helps improve educational outcomes for yourself and teaches you to mentor other student veterans. This method will help you attain long-term educational, life, and career objectives for yourself and mentees like you.