Moving Abroad

Why I left America – And Why Other Veterans Are Leaving Too…

You aren’t crazy for wanting to move abroad. I’ll lead with that and to let you know that millions of Americans live all over the world and I’d estimate half a million of them are veterans. If you feel out of place where you’re at, if you’re thirsting for adventure, seeking to escape the rat […]

Why I left America – And Why Other Veterans Are Leaving Too… Read More »

5 Tips For Veterans Moving Abroad

The reason veterans are ditching the United States are depressing: rising cost of living, political division, and a loss of military values in the civilian population. The reason why veterans are moving abroad however…are inspiring. Veterans abroad aren’t only surviving, they’re thriving. Veterans are leaving the U.S. and discovering a more peaceful, happier life at

5 Tips For Veterans Moving Abroad Read More »

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